Tuesday, 6 May 2014


Target audience:
·         15 - 25
·         Has an interest in the rock genre of music
·         Rebellious,
·          Working, drinking, going out – lack of responsibility, it’s all about themselves, no dependents, lots of disposable income

My target audience for my media product would be people between the ages of fifteen and twenty five, they would have a big interest in the rock genre of music, and they would be rebellious in nature. They would have lots of disposable income, no dependents and have a lack of responsibility. They would be attracted to my product because it will offer everything the audience wants to read and find out about in one place, creating the perfect reading material for them. They may be working which is their only responsibility and this is what gives them their disposable income.

My Magazine represents a particular social group through means of the content inside, as its genre is rock/metal music, it attracts its audience through use of dark but bold colours and the way the writing is placed is very much eye catching and stands out as it is unusual and of centre, this is apparent on the my front cover as the title is slightly tilted making it catch the attention of people walking past at is looks strange and peculiar. The clothing of the people on the front cover also represents my intended social group because again the clothing very dark and abnormal due to the formalness of the clothing on an informal magazine. All these things put together attracts my intended audience as they can relate to the terminology of the magazine, the look given off by the photos and they want to know about the content and information inside the magazine as it interests and informs them about the world of rock and metal music.

Looking back at my preliminary task I have learnt how to correctly position and scale the lettering. How to correctly colour code the magazine so it’s aesthetically pleasing to the audience. I have learnt how to organise the information properly so it’s clear but not to big that it covers the main feature. I feel I also learnt how to properly use the Masthead in order so it is readable and pleasing to look at, also I have learnt how to use font correctly so it fits with the genre of the magazine but also looks good. Layers were a big part of my learning curve as I grasped how to use them correctly and effectively, likewise moving the main image a layer higher than the background and title as well as the Masthead, making it stand out far better, making it have eye contact with the audience and as it’s not the background as theme can run through the magazine.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Summary of research

In my research I have found out the following conventions;
·         Use of 3 colors only
·         Use of big and bold lettering
·         Use of banners
·         There is at least 11 different conventions on the front page of a magazine
·         The use of the masthead effectively
·         The use of bleeding of the page.
·         Using at least two sub stories on the front cover

I’m going to use all of what I have found from the history, codes and conventions and general research on my front cover, content and double page spread. This will al help me by putting me in the know of how a magazine should look.